CareFlash offers your choice of private online caring communities for engaging friends and family members to rally 'round and support loved ones.

A Careopolis is an online caring community for surrounding a loved one who is aging or healing; living with chronic, cognitive or behavioral illness; or in celebrating the memory of a lost loved one.

A Kiddopolis is helpful in pregnancy, adoption and child raising and developmental circumstances. Also, in rallying 'round the family and supporting each other... when it matters most.

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CareFlash helps to:
Here are some of the features that make it work:
A private blog for recovery updates, and well wishes
An interactive calendar for engaging much-needed assitance from friends
Information including 3D health and welness animations
A photo page, for warm memories shared together
Careopolis(s) are easily set-up in 1-2 minutes
If you are an organization who would like to offer branded Careopolis(s) to your employees, customers, patients or residents, please contact us today.